ONT Ligation

Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) Ligation Sequencing library preparation with Native Barcode kit provides a median raw read accuracy of Q20+ (99%) with a protocol that is free from PCR, fragmentation, and size selection. There are numerous advantages to this approach, one of which is the elimination of PCR error and enzyme bias. Additionally, nanopore sequencing provides direct sequencing of native DNA molecules which can produce extremely long reads, as well as kinetic data for each molecule to infer base modifications of the nucleic acids.

Sequencing of native molecules does impose higher input requirements compared to PCR-based methods because the ligation-based preparation is less efficient. This effect is compounded further by the lack of amplification. Additionally, the nanopore platform is sensitive to certain compounds that can be carried over during extraction, such as polysaccharides (common for some fungi, plants, and insects) and excessive amounts of unprepared nucleic acids (e.g., excess RNA in a DNA library).

SeqCenter aims to provide nanopore sequencing in packages and prices that are applicable and affordable for projects of all sizes, including small genomes. By multiplexing all of our single sample packages, we are able to subdivide the output and cost of the nanopore flowcells for both our hybrid sequencing and ONT-only services.

We recommend taking steps to maximize DNA fragment lengths when extracting and handling to optimize long read sequencing platforms.

Often, the biggest determinant of fragment length is the DNA extraction process. Gentle extraction methods like enzyme-based kits often produce the longest read lengths. However, some tough-to-lyse cells may require physical or thermal lysis methods for adequate DNA extraction that can come at the cost of shorter DNA fragments. Some sample types may need their extraction methods to be fine-tuned to strike the right balance.

SeqCenter will attempt to sequence all samples submitted and does not impose a minimum length requirement. We encourage our customers to assess fragment length before sending samples.

Handling and storage will also affect DNA integrity, especially during shipping. We recommend avoiding freeze-thaw cycles and other extreme changes to minimize degradation. If DNA samples are already frozen, we recommend shipping on dry ice (with 5-10 lbs per day of expected transit). If possible, liquid samples should be shipped on ice packs to buffer against temperature changes, especially during summer months.

Hybrid Sequencing and Assembly

ONT long read sequencing is commonly used to provide the backbone for de novo assemblies, and for good reason. The nanopore platform provides an economical way to generate much needed structural information and resolution of repetitive motifs. When combined with high-accuracy Illumina short reads, nanopore sequencing is a cost-effective tool in closing assemblies of less complex genomes, like bacteria or fungi.

SeqCenter offers this powerful hybrid approach as “Nanopore Combos” that include ONT long read sequencing, Illumina short read sequencing, and programmatic de novo assembly and automation services. These packages aim to produce reference-quality assemblies and are well-suited for clonal bacterial or fungal samples.

Sample Requirements:

  • Two aliquots of sample:
    • Illumina aliquot:
      • Total volume of 30 µL or more
      • Sample concentration greater than:
        • 10 ng/µL measured by Qubit
        • 20 ng/µL measured by Nanodrop
    • Nanopore aliquot:
      • Total volume of 40 µL or more
      • Sample concentration greater than:
        • 40 ng/µL measured by Qubit
        • 100 ng/µL measured by Nanodrop
  • Eluted into water or dilute Tris/TE buffer

What You Will Receive:

  • Raw Illumina data, including fastq files
  • Raw Nanopore data, including fastq, bam, and fast5 files
  • de novo Assembly and annotation in GenBank (.gbk, .gff3) and fasta (.fasta) formats
  • Sequencing and assembly stats summary
  • Materials and methods summary
  • Data shared via Box folder within 2 weeks

Packages & Pricing

Sequencing Package
(Minimum Read Count Per Sample)
Small Nanopore Combo (Ideal for Genomes <10Mb)
Minimum 300 Mbp Long Reads, 400Mbp Illumina Reads, Genome Assembly and Annotation
Medium Nanopore Combo (Ideal for Genomes <25Mb)
Minimum 600 Mbp Long Reads, 1Gbp Illumina Reads, Genome Assembly and Annotation
Large Nanopore Combo (Ideal for Genomes <50Mb)
Minimum 1.2Gbp Long Reads, 2Gbp Illumina Reads, Genome Assembly and Annotation
*Orders >48 Samples receive 5% discount

For customer convenience, SeqCenter offers DNA extraction services using ZymoBIOMICS DNA extraction kits. While this protocol can extract DNA from a variety of sample types, it uses a bead bashing tube for consistent mechanical lysis and may not be the ideal extraction method for ONT sequencing as read length is often determined by the input.

We are able to accommodate all organisms up to BSL2+ and do not accept BSL3 or higher classified organisms for extraction services.

Samples requiring DNA extraction can be submitted as aspirated cell pellets shipped frozen on dry ice or as growth on sealed, nutrient agar plates shipped at ambient temperature. A minimum of 109 cells is recommended for all microbial DNA isolation submissions. We cannot culture samples; we encourage you to ensure samples are pure and that there is adequate growth before shipping.

Please note that while this kit is broadly applicable to many sample types, we cannot guarantee its efficacy for a given organism. More information about the ZymoBIOMICS kit can be found here.

Submission Considerations

The nanopore platform has a high minimum input requirement. Due to the high input requirement, two separate aliquots of DNA are required for hybrid sequencing with the Nanopore Combo services, one aliquot for each pipeline. We strongly recommend a dsDNA-specific, dye-based quantification method (like Qubit or PicoGreen) when assessing concentrations. If there is not enough material to complete the ONT portion, the hybrid package will be converted to the corresponding Illumina package, and only Illumina data will be delivered.

Standalone ONT Ligation Sequencing

SeqCenter also offers standalone ONT Ligation library preparation and sequencing services. Nanopore sequencing by itself can provide a cost-effective option for verifying structural modifications like large insertions, though higher depth may be required to confirm consensus sequences at the per-base level. Though the Q20 offers 99% and higher accuracy, if you are evaluating SNPs, we strongly recommend either adding short read Illumina sequencing or considering PacBio HiFi sequencing, as both offer average quality scores of Q30 (99.9%+) or higher which are better suited for verifying single nucleotide changes.

These nanopore-only packages are also a great way to supplement previous sequencing or assemblies. The addition of long read data can help close down the number of contigs when assembling with previously generated Illumina data and can add 5mC metadata to an existing assembly for later methylation prediction.

Sample Requirements:

  • Total volume of 60 µL or more
  • Eluted into water or dilute Tris/TE buffer
  • Sample concentration greater than:
    • 40 ng/µL measured by Qubit
    • 100 ng/µL measured by Nanodrop

What You Will Receive:

  • One fastq file for each sample
  • One BAM file with 5mC calls for each sample
  • Fast5 files with kinetics data
  • Sequencing stats summary
  • Materials and methods summary
  • Data shared via Box folder within 2 weeks.

Packages & Pricing

Sequencing Package
(Minimum Read Count Per Sample)
Minimum 300Mbp Nanopore Reads Only
Minimum 600Mbp Nanopore Reads Only
Minimum 1.2Gbp Nanopore Reads Only
Dedicated GridION Flowcell
Includes 1 Library Prep. Full GridION Flowcell, Typical Output 10-20Gbp
Dedicated PromethION Flowcell
Includes 1 Library Prep. Full PromthION Flowcell, Typical Output 60-120Gbp
*Orders >48 Samples receive 5% discount

For customer convenience, SeqCenter offers DNA extraction services using ZymoBIOMICS DNA extraction kits. While this protocol can extract DNA from a variety of sample types, it uses a bead bashing tube for consistent mechanical lysis and may not be the ideal extraction method for ONT sequencing as read length is often determined by the input.

We are able to accommodate all organisms up to BSL2+ and do not accept BSL3 or higher classified organisms for extraction services.

Samples requiring DNA extraction can be submitted as aspirated cell pellets shipped frozen on dry ice or as growth on sealed, nutrient agar plates shipped at ambient temperature. A minimum of 109 cells is recommended for all microbial DNA isolation submissions. We cannot culture samples; we encourage you to ensure samples are pure and that there is adequate growth before shipping.

Please note that while this kit is broadly applicable to many sample types, we cannot guarantee its efficacy for a given organism. More information about the ZymoBIOMICS kit can be found here.

We offer a selection of basic bioinformatic services to get you started with analyzing your data. These services are meant to be the first step into subsequent investigation and extensive validation studies and include de novo long read assembly and annotation services. For more information on these services or custom services like reference-based scaffolding or integrating additional sequencing data into a de novo assembly, please see our bioinformatics service pages.

Detecting Nucleotide Modifications in ONT Data

ONT sequencing generates kinetics data for each native DNA molecule as it passes through a nanopore by measuring the electrical current flowing across it. By interpreting the changes in current, this data is used not only to call bases but also to later predict base modifications. At this time, 5mC metadata is generated during basecalling, stored in the returned bam files, and can be later used to predict 5mC methylation sites with tools.

While there are only a few tools offered through ONT directly, namely Remora and Dorado, there is a significant community of researchers working on developing new tools for predicting additional modifications from this data. This is a curated list of some of the available open-source tools the community has created, including for modification analysis.

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