Globus at SeqCenter

Accessing Data in Globus

  • The authorized email for data access is the email address used to place an order at SeqCenter. Users must log into Globus using this authorized email in order to gain access to their data. If you do not already have a Globus account for your email address, you will need to make one at
  • Additional email addresses can be authorized for data access via written request to and must be sent by the individual who placed the order.
  • Upon order completion, the authorized email will receive two emails from SeqCenter that grant access to the data:
    • One will be an automated email from Globus with a direct link to your data. If you do not already have a Globus account, this link will guide you through account creation.
    • A second email will be sent via AirTable but you must already be signed into Globus using the authorized email address to access the data.
  • Data will persist on the Globus Server at SeqCenter for no less than 90-days.

Viewing Shared Data

  • Once you have successfully accessed the Globus web app, all available datasets that are associated with the authorized email will be available to you. To quickly access data from all orders, navigate to:

Collections → Shared with You → SeqCenter Customer Data → Open in File Manager

  • From here, you will be able to see all of the orders associated with the authorized email. You may download files individually using the web app. To download entire folders, we recommend using Globus Connect Personal to facilitate the data transfer.

Common Globus Issues and Requests

Yes, Globus is free! Globus Compute is a data transfer service with free-to-use accounts. It allows data to transfer directly from SeqCenter servers to your PC or compute cluster, and securely protects your data from bad actors.

Please see our policies page for details about our data retention timelines. Some institutions may have existing paid Globus accounts with premium features that allow the transfer of data to existing cloud services, please contact your IT team with these related questions.

Yes! If you have not yet placed an order, please provide this information and the Globus identities in the “Comments” section of your order. We will share the data with all provided Globus accounts.

If you already have access to the data and would like an additional recipient of the data distribution, please email us at and provide the Globus identity that you want to add and the associated quote number. Please note that you must be the owner of the quote to request additional shares per our data custody policies.

Only one file can be downloaded at a time when using the Globus web app in a browser.

To download the entire order at once, we recommend Globus Connect Personal (GCP:

  • GCP allows for bulk file transfers from our Globus server to your personal computer or any computer where GCP is deployed.
  • Installation and setup takes about 5 minutes and will allow for file transfers to Mac, Windows, and Linux systems.

Yes, please share your ORCID and we will use the [ORCID] identifier as your identity.

To verify that your account is using an ORCID as your main login method, navigate to “Settings” and ensure that your ORCID is listed as one of the associated identities.

Due to limitations within Globus, we need to generate a new master collection each month. Within these master collections, you will be able to see your orders. To access this information, navigate to ‘Collections’ (the tab on the left), and then select ‘Shared with You’ (the tab on the top right). Here, you will be able to see the SeqCenter collections, subdivided by the month. Within each, you will find the relevant project data.

If you get this permission denied error, it means that your current account does not have access to this folder. Please go to ‘Settings’ (the tab on the left side) and see what is reported as the ‘Identity’. This error indicates a mismatch between the login email/account and shared email/account. To remedy the issue, follow these steps:

  1. From the ‘Settings’ page, select ‘Link Another Identity’ found on the top right of the screen
  2. Follow the prompts and select your institution from the list or, if you cannot find it, select the “You can also link an email address to your Globus account” link.
  3. Link your current account to the email address you would like to use and follow the confirmation steps.
  4. Retry accessing the shared collection.

If you are still having trouble, please email and request that the reported email/account be added to your folder for your project (please list the quote number).

This issue is associated with mismatched permissions. Please see the ‘Permission Denied’ prompt above to troubleshoot.

If you are able to access the collection but the page will not load and instead reports “Retrieving Directory Contents” for an unusual amount of time, it is possible that the content is being blocked by your institutions firewall. This appears to be a common issue for our government partners. Please contact your IT team to allow Globus traffic on your network. Please also contact to report this issue and get a fast resolution.

Transferring Data via Globus Connect Personal

Please visit this link to access the executable files for Globus Connect Personal:

For additional help, see the video below for a demo of Globus Connect Personal.

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