Quote Details

Additional Sample Information

Please complete the table below to indicate which samples are receiving additional services, and upload your references if necessary. You can pause and return at any time by clicking "Access a Quote" at the top right of the page and using your quote number and email address to continue with the order process.

Quote Number:

Overall Comments

For RNA orders: If you have previously ordered custom rRNA depletion probes and would like to use them for this order, please note them in the comments box below.
For Intermediate RNA Analysis: Please list which pairwise comparisons you would like to have.
For samples to be extracted: Please categorize your samples as either CDC Category B (BSL2/2+, environmental, microbiome) or CDC Unregulated Material (BSL1).
For HiFi PacBio offerings: Please indicate the organism and sample type. A team member will be in contact to discuss run parameters after your samples arrive. (PacBio assemblies only available in specific cases. If you are interested in these services, please contact info@seqcenter.com to discuss applicability.)

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